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Asian Countries



Axigen’s consistent sales growth over the past two years displays the confidence of medical fraternity in our brands in India. With over 15 products in the pipeline, we committed towards providing a wide range of products to the Sri Lankan markets.



Vietnam is one of the major markets in the South East Asian arena. Currently, 15 products are in pipeline. We are planning to start our operations in Vietnam, with representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, the commercial capital of Vietnam. Axigen in Vietnam now plan to have a mixed basket of products, with a focus on brand building to ensure long-term business & growth. In continuation of our Indian tradition, Axigen has planned to earned a distinct image for itself in Vietnam in the field of Gynaecology, Infertility Management, Science-based Nutritional Health, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Pain Management and Acute care.



Axigen Healthcare planning to initiate the marketing operations in Myanmar. We have more than 20 products in the pipeline. Planning for four distributors across the country distribute our products. With strong product portfolio, Axigen is poised to create a specialty-focussed platform in the country. Our focus is on strengthening the product basket, creating brand equity and launching new molecules in the market.



Philippines holds a bright future for players in the pharmaceutical industry. Economic as well as population growth makes the country’s pharmaceutical market supremely attractive in the ASEAN region. Philippines is the third-largest pharmaceutical market in ASEAN and it is worth $4 billion in 2019 (IQVIA March 2019 MAT). Axigen’s planning for subsidiary in Asia has been in Philippines considering the marketing opportunities available in this densely populated island nation



We are planning to a subsidiary of Axigen Healthcare in Malaysia, to strengthen presence in the South East Asian Market. The major focus areas are two therapies. Axigen is planning to become a one of the fastest growing companies in Malaysia in a short span of time.



Axigen has the distinction of being one of the Indian Company plan to initiate the marketing operations in Nepal and Bangladesh. We have a aspires that within a short span, we will be established ourselves as a leading pharmaceutical company.