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Campus Connect

Creating mutually fulfilling partnerships with Academia

We believe that with the right guidance, the potential of a young mind can be nurtured to help them evolve as dynamic professionals of the future. To that end, we have a structured process of creating mutually fulfilling partnerships with Academia under the preview of our ‘Campus Connect’ initiative.

We constantly focus on establishing relationships with reputed educational institutes with the aim of nurturing potential talent towards industry-readiness. Fresh talent drawn from leading institutes form a key component of our new workforce joining Axigen every year.

We collaborate with leading campuses, help design courses in line with our industry requirements, and at the same time, provide relevant work exposure to college students who join us as Interns or Trainees with a purpose of equipping them to take on leadership roles within the organization. Plan for some of our programs towards building talent pipeline for future are the:

Aiming to create opportunities for undergraduates and graduates pursuing an academic program to work on live projects under supervised environments. The summer interns get opportunities to interact not only with the best brains of the industry and leaders within the company, but also with other interns drawn from top institutes in the country.
Aiming to attract the best students from premier management institutes across the country. The program is intended to channelize their potential through cross-functional exposure so that they are well equipped to take on leadership roles in the future.
Aiming at identifying and attracting the best engineering talent from technical campuses; this campus hiring program builds a strong talent pipeline of future leaders in core Manufacturing Functions. Suitable candidates in leading campuses are hired through a rigorous selection process and are mentored for a year in a well-structured program. We are tasked to fuel excellence in our operations and build on the technical expertise in our Manufacturing domain.

Our Manufacturing and Research verticals partner with reputed campuses in their vicinity for mutually fulfilling industry-academic collaborations. The top-performing students of the campus pursuing a specific Degree course, is awarded with a ‘Axigen Scholar Award’ which includes a Certificate of Merit in addition to some financial support in the form of reimbursement of tuition fees, cash prizes and more.
We work in tandem with our Leaders for implementation of such initiatives and therefore business priority is always a key driver behind any such step, in addition to the larger organizational philosophy of nurturing people and communities towards sustainable development.