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Corporate Social Responsibility​

Axigen Healthcare is committed to improving lives and empowering the underserved communities for a better tomorrow. The fundamental purpose is to make a positive and lasting impact on the health and education of communities to inspire the development of a knowledge based, sustainable society.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always been an integral part of Axigen’s vision and is the cornerstone of our core value of Good Corporate Citizenship. As a global healthcare company, our greatest contribution to society is making medicines that help people live longer, healthier, more active lives. This is the core of what we do. But our company vision – to improve global health in the 21st century – demands that we do even more. It calls us to continue along our company’s distinguished path of giving back and lifting up in new and ever-better ways.At Axigen Healthcare, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aligns business operations with social values: integrating the interest of all stakeholders into the company policies and actions. CSR focuses and interventions in four key areas: Healthcare, Education, Environment Sustainability and Rural Development with the overarching goal of positively impacting the society, while achieving business success.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always been an integral part of Axigen’s vision and is the cornerstone of our core value of Good Corporate Citizenship. As a global healthcare company, our greatest contribution to society is making medicines that help people live longer, healthier, more active lives. This is the core of what we do. But our company vision – to improve global health in the 21st century – demands that we do even more. It calls us to continue along our company’s distinguished path of giving back and lifting up in new and ever-better ways. At Axigen Healthcare, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aligns business operations with social values: integrating the interest of all stakeholders into the company policies and actions. 

CSR focuses and interventions in four key areas: Healthcare, Education, Environment Sustainability and Rural Development with the overarching goal of positively impacting the society, while achieving business success. It reinforces our commitment to operating ethically and fairly and with respect for the needs of local communities and of society at large. Effective, sustainable and relevant human development will always remain at the forefront for Company. In India, we are committed to improving the world around us, and demonstrate that commitment via a number of child education and healthcare focused corporate responsibility projects. In addition, we work in our local community to improve education, hygiene and healthcare standards.