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At Axigen, Corporate Governance has been an integral part of the way we conduct business. Good governance practices which are pre-requisite for attaining sustainable growth are embedded in our culture. Axigen has been built on the pillars of Integrity, Passion for Excellence, Participative Decision Making, Concern for Society & Environment, Fairness with Care and Transparency. We operate at high ethical standards and are committed towards building the organization on the foundation of our core values.

Corporate Governance is about doing the ‘right things’ in the ‘right manner’ at the ‘right time’ and Axigen remains committed to set the highest governance standards in form letter and spirit. We practice good governance as a pre-requisite to our stakeholders’ value creation while maintaining business ethics and complying with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

Code of Conduct

The Axigen Code is the backbone of our Corporate Governance and outlines the principles that govern us in a constantly changing business environment. The Axigen Code guides our functioning by setting highest standards for business conduct in the market place. Our Code of Conduct confirms our commitment of being an equal opportunity employer with no discrimination or harassment and a drug-free workplace.