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Gynaecology & Infertility Management

Proper antenatal care and nourishment from the early stages of pregnancy is vital for the health of both mother and her unborn. In India approximately 49% of women do not achieve the recommended four or more Antenatal Care (ANC) visits, a proxy for comprehensive maternal care during pregnancy. The foetus is dependent on the nutrients from the mother and adapts to an inadequate nutrient supply. These adaptations become ‘programmed’ predisposing the child to FOAD i.e., Foetal origin of adult diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Diseases and Obesity in later stage of life. Thus, Comprehensive ANC care addressing FOAD is the cornerstone for better pregnancy outcomes.

A cluster specialized in innovative solutions for simplifying women’s healthcare concerns. GynCare has a strong foothold in Hormones and Nutraceuticals thus providing comprehensive, unique and 1st time in country products for,

Over the years, we have developed an entire range of products dedicated to help women across age groups lead more fulfilling lives. From controlling the polycystic ovarian syndrome to maintaining early pregnancy, from preventing post-partum haemorrhage to hormonal treatment, to helping menopausal problems. We have medication to aid women at every stage of their lives. We extend our Gynaecology product offering to several countries globally.